Wednesday 17 June 2020

Gaming Journalism Part 2

    I went a little to far and beat the game, it was just so good I had to keep progressing, only took me 4 Hours.

    The specific things that I did today was add all of the workbenches to my flying machine, and made a small little tent with a sleeping bag and shelf in it to hold all of my  bobble-heads and trinkets. I also managed to get the better tools made of steel (Axe and PickAxe). I also visited a few new places along the way, the caves managed to jumpscare me a little.

    The Seeker

Town From Air

My Airship

Some Tips and Tricks
    Here's a few good little things that I learned while on my travels.

    -Any time that the Seeker Icon is not on the middle left your screen while on the ground, collect as many of the resources around you that you can. (Trees and Cacti) This rarely happens as it only disappears when there's AI to talk to.
    -Doors can hold the Seeker outside when you need somewhere safe to stay but never try to trap one in a building, he can just bust right through it.
    -Make storage early-on as it is helpful to store the materials and unique items that you've collected.
    -The Noise-Maker is SUPER useful to get you out of bad scenarios, make them whenever you can.
    -If you strafe Right and Left as the seeker attacks, he may miss you.

Where do you get the Stone Axe from?

From the workbench.
What Items can you Eat?


The Cookie and Seeker thing...
I'm not sure, didn't get a chance to try it.

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