Monday 18 May 2020

10 Hours of Coding Pt.9

Coding Part 9
What I did this HOUR
Today I just continued to the beginning of the last stage (5). I added collision to the square and a border for the square's boundary, and randomization to the heights and widths of the obstacles the square has to fly past. ( And added text to the border for a title) .
What specific things I learnt
Some new code (a lot) for the different functions and how to place text in the game. Other than that nothing much :) .
function spiralText(size)
function drawBoundary
function random (min, max)
function flap ()
function clearBoundary ()
function checkBoundary
function checkWalls ()
function drawTitle ()
function endGame ()
function programSteps ()
while (size 

What to do next HOUR
Hopefully finish this challenge of the Flappy Square, probably learn some new code. We shall see what happens.

Completed Challenges

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