Monday 25 May 2020

10 Hours of Coding Pt.10

Coding Part 10 FINAL
What I did this HOUR
This hour I finished the coding and the last section in Flappy Square, and made the code into a playable game by adding color and a score meter to the upper right. And made the frame rate a lot soother for the player.
What specific things I learned
I just smoothed out the animation with some new code and added color.
function runAnimation
function startAnimation()
function pauseAnimation
What to do next HOUR
All the other projects in sketchup :).

Completed Challenges

Monday 18 May 2020

10 Hours of Coding Pt.9

Coding Part 9
What I did this HOUR
Today I just continued to the beginning of the last stage (5). I added collision to the square and a border for the square's boundary, and randomization to the heights and widths of the obstacles the square has to fly past. ( And added text to the border for a title) .
What specific things I learnt
Some new code (a lot) for the different functions and how to place text in the game. Other than that nothing much :) .
function spiralText(size)
function drawBoundary
function random (min, max)
function flap ()
function clearBoundary ()
function checkBoundary
function checkWalls ()
function drawTitle ()
function endGame ()
function programSteps ()
while (size 

What to do next HOUR
Hopefully finish this challenge of the Flappy Square, probably learn some new code. We shall see what happens.

Completed Challenges

Sunday 17 May 2020

10 Hours of Coding Pt.8

Coding Part 8
What I did this HOUR 
This hour I continued where I left off completing the 2nd stage. I'm now in the 3 stage advancing towards better animation for the flappy square.
What specific things I learnt
I came across some new code and a way which makes the square look alot smoother while falling when not clicked, and another thing is adding a border for the player to know his or her limits of the game.
What to do next HOUR
Plan on completing the 3rd stage and getting closer to complete this challenge before my 10th post. (Just basically going as far as i can here, also sorry for such a late post).

Completed Challenges

Tuesday 5 May 2020

10 Hours of Coding Pt.7

Coding Part 7

What I did this HOUR

Today I continued the Flappy Square Challenges, I completed as far as section 4 on stage 2. There was some new aspects I had to get familiar with and I got to begin the animation process which was cool.

What specific things I learnt

I used some new code to save/animate the square for later when it turns into a little, flying square. As well as I learnt how to do basic expansion animation for cubes :) .

What to do next HOUR

I will just be continuing the code getting as close as I can to the end.

Completed Challenges