Tuesday 18 February 2020

Photoshop Morphing - CassoGirafurle

-I began by looking on the internet for images and finding ones that would match or go in positions that would suit my needs.

-It took some time but I managed to fit the three images into a position that looked good.

-Then I started masking and cutting out each image starting with the Shell as it was the most simple,going around the perimeter highlighting only what I wanted to fit in, then the same with the head of the Cassowary only grabbing up to the neck, and finally the legs and partial amount of the neck of the Giraffe.

-Then with the images cut out and transparent, I placed them in their final positions and began to use the Clone Stamp Tool, morphing the bodies together to make a good contrast in material and form.
( Note - Made the image look most like a giraffe as that was the first image and base to the monster. )

-Taking some time to do some nice finishing, I got down to the smallest pixel and made it look as real as possible. ( With the Clone Stamp Tool. )

-After becoming satisfied with the current creation, I made the images of all three animals into a grouping. Color Correction was a problem as there was an issue with selected frames and Correction was only ending up on one frame. This was fixed by the grouping.

-Then I applied the Color Correction to the grouped images and made it look as if there was no difference between animals.

-Once again I went to the internet to find a fitting image for the monster I have made.

-I found a desolate salt lake and used it, placing my monster in the image was meant to be.

-After fitting it in, I used the brush tool and a soft brush with black paint to add a shadow to the creature. Lightly going around the base with the opacity also set very low.

-When I was satisfied with the edit, I added my blog on a new layer and gave my monster a name on another. The name Dave was given to him.

Wednesday 12 February 2020

Photoshop Morphing - CrocoFrog

Photoshop Morphing.
Photoshop Edit
Photoshop Layers
Original Frog
Original Crocodile

-I began by going to the website and acquiring all the images needed for the edit.

-Then I opened Photoshop and made a new project with the specific width and length.

-After it loaded up, I imported my Frog image.

-Then after that, I locked and hid the Frog image and imported the Crocodile image.

-Using the quick selection tool I went around and selected what parts of the crocodile I wanted to keep, and removed the rest.

-Then I unlocked the other images and moved the head of the Crocodile with the Ctrl+T tool, to the location I wanted on the Frog.

-After setting up my images to work together, I used the paint brush too with a little black and its opacity down quite a bit. Along side that, the stamp tool to morph the images together around their borders. And cleaned it up with the Eraser tool.

-Then once that was settled I made a fill/adjustment layer to deal with the color problem on the crocodile's head.

-This caused another problem, color correction in the mouth. So I had to go into the mouth with an eraser and clean up the layer by erasing the mouth and teeth areas.

-Then for some final touches, I used the dodge tool and cleaned up the borders again adding more of the frog texture or crocodile texture to make it look more "possible".

-Then for the end I used the Burn tool and made some shadows underneath the mouth and legs, this made it look more lite it was actually in the image.

-Finishing with a background was the final touch, and there you have it :).

Tuesday 11 February 2020

Finding 2 Tutorials Post

Merging Two Animals Together In Photoshop.



Photoshop Tutorial: Transforming Animal Skin Into Tiger Skin.


PS Animated Predicted Grade